- 12+ Modules
- 4 Months

It is the most powerful & the most popular. Architecture and Interior Modeling Rendering, Walk-through tools to give views your interior Special effects.
Knowing how to use these two programs together is a valuable skill. You can learn, and start a career in 3d too. Everything you need to get started is in this course. We will take you through 3DS Max and V-Ray from the very beginning, and by the end you will be well on your way to creating your own images and filling up your portfolio with polished work.
Keep in mind, you do not typically need formal training to get a job in 3D. What it takes is an awesome portfolio, so let’s get started on yours.
For absolute beginners, We will show you how to get the software as a free trial and start finding your way around. We will also go over how to customize your UI for a professional workflow, because why learn the slow way to do things, right?
Next we will start with the basics of modeling. We will show you different techniques, and we will begin to work on our project. Again, files will be provided if you want / need them.
With modeling down, we will go into V-Ray and start playing with lighting, materials, cameras, render settings, etc.
Finally, we will learn how to enhance our images with Photoshop. We give some great post-processing tips in this course.
By the end you will be able to create architectural renderings on your own with a completely professional setup and workflow. Then it is your turn to start practicing your skills, creating beautiful work, building a portfolio and landing a job.
Individual Classes
- We will finish this course in 4 Months.
- Average Class Duration is 1:30 hours.
- We have both Theory and Practical Classes each day.
- Systems will be provided to you with Proper net connection.

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Make Anything....
- 10+ Modules
- 4 Months

ASP.NET MVC is a server-side web framework for building dynamic, data-driven web applications. Since its first release in 2009, it has gained a lot of popularity amongst developers using Microsoft technologies. If you want to get employed as a web developer at a company that utilizes Microsoft technologies, you need to master ASP.NET MVC.
- Developers with no knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 5 who want to build web apps with this framework
- Developers with some experience in ASP.NET MVC 5 who are looking for a comprehensive course to fill the gaps
-Basics of Designing
-SQL Queries
-Basics of Designing a SDLC
-Client And Server Standards
-Programs in .NET
-.NET Framework
-3 Tier Architecture
-Net Core
-Standard Controls
-Label Controls
-Text Box Control
-Button Control
-Check Box Control
-Radio Button Control
-Image Control
-File Upload Control
-Panel Control
-DropDown List Controls
-ListBox Control
-CheckBox List and Radio Button List Controls
-Data Controls
-Grid View Control
-Details View Controls
-DataList Control
-Input Validations
-Master Pages
-State Management
-Client – side State Management
-Query Strings
-Server Side State Management
-Session State
-Use Of Java Script
-Pop Ups
-Ajax Server Controls
-Script Manager
-Update Panel
-Ajax Toolkit Controls
-Basic Data Types
-Control Statement 0 Looping
-Arrays and Array List
-Net Architecture
-Net Disconnected Classes
-Bata Table Object
-DataSet Object
-Connection Classes
-Using the Executeonquery Method
-Using the DbDataReader Object
-Using DbDataadapter Object
-Literal Control
-Image Map Control
-Multi View and View Controls
-Wizard Control
-Repeator Control
-List View Control
-Hierarchical Data-Bound Controls
-Tree View Control
-Menu Control
-Navigation Controls
-Choosing Methods to Navigate Pages
-Client Side Navigation
-Client Side Browser Redirect
-Sitemap Server Control
-Troubleshooting and Debugging Page and Application Exception Handling
-Configuring asp.net for debugging
-Defining Custom Errors
-Configuring Error specific error pages
-Globalization and accessibility
-State Management
-View State
-Hidden Fields
-Storing Multiple values in Cookies
-asax file
-Responding to session events
-Profile Page
-Chart Control
-Values Types
-Declaring value type object
-User Defined Data Types
-Reference Types
-Conversion between Types
-Boxing and Unboxing
-String Manipulation
-Virtual Methods
-Exceptional Handling
-Reading and Writing Binary Data
-Random Access File +
-Connection String
-Using the Executescaler Method
-Using the Executereader Method
-Using the DbDataReader Object
-Using the DbDataadapter Object
-Flavour of LINQ
-Linq Keywords
-Using Linq to Dataset to Query Object
-Linq to Object
-Linq to ADO.Net
-Linq to XML
-Linq to Entity
-Linq to SQL
-Query Extender
-Web Services
-Basic Structure
-Modules and Handlers
-Creating Web service
-Implimanting a Webservice in an Application
-Consume Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
-Configuration File
-Net Data Access
-XML Basic
-XML Attributes
-XML Namespaces
-XML and JSON Parsing
-Google Map Integeration
-Entity Framework
-Project Basics
-Project Scope
-Database Dictionary
-Flow Chart
-High Level Reqruiments
-Implementing Web Services
-Crystal Reports
Individual Classes
- We will finish this course in 2 Months.
- Average Class Duration is 1:30 hours.
- We have both Theory and Practical Classes each day.
- Systems will be provided to you with Proper net connection.
Related Courses
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