
How to get Faster Traffic on Website?

How to get Faster Traffic on Website?

Today I will teach you about How to get faster traffic on website?

Let’s start.

We create very good website but the problem is of traffic. Users are not coming, they are not viewing your content. So what is the sense to make this beautiful website.

For this, we have to work on our second phase.

In first phase, you create your website. In second phase, we have to work on how to get traffic on our website. So for that traffic, I will give you some tips which you can follow & implement them and you will see very good results as traffic on your website will increase that’s also by normal optimizing method.

1. Partnership with other Creators:-

How-to-get-traffic-on-website SEO

You have to collaborate with other websites or Partnership with other websites.

For Ex:- I have my website and you have your own website. It is not important that we started at the same time. You might start newly and I started it little earlier but we were on the same platform in starting 5-6 months. We both have issue of traffic. So why not we collaborate, why not we do friendship. You collaborate with me, I collaborate with you and we both promote our content on each other’s website. This will increase our website’s visibility.

It is not like that I will direct post your content on my website, we can do joint podcast, make joint videos, make joint content in which we talk about both the companies.

It is not necessary that you only collaborate with one website, You can collaborate with new websites. This will very helpful for your website.

2. Giveaways, Contest, Promotions:-

There are many websites who are doing giveaways.

how-to-get-traffic-on-traffic-giveawaysGiveaways means you have to give something free of coast. You can organize contest and try to attract users towards you.

But the issue is of Trust Traction means I visit to website and I see that participate in this contest you will get x,y,z prizes. But I don’t have trust on them. I don’t know if they use my e-mail, phone number or my any details in a wrong way.

how-to-get-traffic-on-traffic-promotionSo always remember that whatever type of contest you are running, but after the contest end, You should take screenshots, make video in which you are distributing prizes or selecting winners. It will generate trust and you will see very good results.


3. Push Notifications and E-mail Marketing:-

users who created their website on WordPress or on CMS can relate with me that you have plugin of Push Notification.

How it works:-

You saw pop-up on many websites written Allow and Block/ Disallow. If you click on allow you will get notification every time they update content. This is the method in which you are telling users that come and read our content.


As we had talked about E-mail Marketing earlier in our previous blogs. If you haven’t read them visit to our website Pentamedia Technologies.

But who are new, It is underdog of Digital Marketing. Underdog means it has very evaluate performance and you need to do work for E-mail Marketing.

It doesn’t work on Hit and Try. It take lot of time to gather peoples and listing them. You will also have to fill the sign-up form, sign-up pop form. But when you make good consumer base, they will trust you.

You can set automation E-mail by the help of Mailchimp. Mailchimp is a E-mail Marketing Tool. It has an option Automation Blog Update service, By turning it on your all users will get an E-mail who are connected with you.

4. Paid Ads:-

Paid Ads means promoting my website. I have to give money to google. 

You may notice it when we search for something, so many links open on SERP. You can also see Ad written there in front of the link. How-to-get-traffic-on-website-google-ads

This indicates that the owner of the website had pay the money to google. Now this is google’s work to get traffic to your website.

If you want to get more traffic on your website you have to pay to google and tell on which keyword your website will optimize and depending on keyword competition they will charge you.

Google never told us that they will promote your website or give you SEO push after running Google Ads but the hidden truth is after you run paid ads Google gives you that necessary push which is important for SEO.

If you own small website or new website and have little budget which you want to invest on marketing I suggest you to go with Paid Ads.

5. Guest Posting:-

I have small or new website. I write Blog and want to take leverage of it but I don’t want to publish it on my website because I don’t get much traffic. So I will give it to other  bigger website  and publish there and I’ll take backlink from them.

By this when user will read that blog and click on that link they will come on our website as a traffic.

It has two benefits:-

    1. You will get SEO push. SEO also consider backlinks.
    2. By clicking on that link, users visit to your website. If your content is powerful then users will definitely read your content. It also increase your Dwell Time. Dwell Time is also important for SEO.

You have to do work on all the things. I assure you if you implement these and give time, you will get traffic on your website.

You can also set-up Goggle Analytics. Google Analytics will help you to know about the traffic like from where it came, which pages your user visit, which type of content they like, What is their age, Country.

In upcoming time, I will write blog on Google Analytics also.

I hope you got your answers and this information is helpful for you.

If you have any question, please drop it in comment box. We will try to solve it.

Thank you.


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