- 10+ Modules
- 4 Months

There’s no getting around it.
Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat.
That won’t worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system.
Now that’s something most courses don’t teach you!
-The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to be a Android app programmer!
-No previous programming experience is assumed.
-However, if you’re already an expert Android programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
-C,C++ Programming PL SQL
-Software Engineering with SDLC
-SQL Queries
-Introduction to Java
-Java Date Type
-Looping and Conditional Statement
-Arrays in Java
-Object Oriented Programming Features
-Class and Object
-Garbage Collections
-Abstract and Interface
-Keywords- Final, Static, Super, This
-Basic Exception Handling
-Basic Threading and Synchronization
-Basic Java I/O
-Java AWT and Swing
-Basic Swing Components
-Basic Java Collection Classes
-Introduction to Android
-Android – Plateform, Tools, Versions
-Types of Android Applications
-Introduction to Android Programming Structure
-Android Manifest File
-Activity Lifecycle
-Intents and Intent Filters
-GUI Architecture
-Android Widget Tools Kit
-Android Form and Field Widget with Events
-Understanding Android Menus
-Android Dialogs and Pickers
-Android Persistence
-Android Preferences and Controls
-Using Files System
-Accessing SD Cards
-SQLite Database Connectivity
-CRUD Operation Performed in SQLite
-Fragments And Action Bar
-Web Services and Parsing
-Pull Parsing
-DOM Parsing
-SAX Parsing
Using Async Task
-My SQL connectivity in Android using Web Services
-Images, Graphics and Animations
-Work in Background Processes
-Broad Cast Recievers and Service Providers
-Alarm Manager
-Push Notification Services
-Work with Android Phone Components
-Wake Lock
-Text to Speech
-Access Phone Book
-Call and SMS
-Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
-Device and Emulator Control
-DIMS and Levet
-Delvik Debug Tool
-Work with ADB
-Debug and Executive Application on Real Device
-Publish your Application
Individual Classes
- We will finish this course in 2 Months.
- Average Class Duration is 1:30 hours.
- We have both Theory and Practical Classes each day.
- Systems will be provided to you with Proper net connection.

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