- 10+ Modules
- 4 Months

ASP.NET MVC is a server-side web framework for building dynamic, data-driven web applications. Since its first release in 2009, it has gained a lot of popularity amongst developers using Microsoft technologies. If you want to get employed as a web developer at a company that utilizes Microsoft technologies, you need to master ASP.NET MVC.
- Developers with no knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 5 who want to build web apps with this framework
- Developers with some experience in ASP.NET MVC 5 who are looking for a comprehensive course to fill the gaps
-Basics of Designing
-SQL Queries
-Basics of Designing a SDLC
-Client And Server Standards
-Programs in .NET
-.NET Framework
-3 Tier Architecture
-Net Core
-Standard Controls
-Label Controls
-Text Box Control
-Button Control
-Check Box Control
-Radio Button Control
-Image Control
-File Upload Control
-Panel Control
-DropDown List Controls
-ListBox Control
-CheckBox List and Radio Button List Controls
-Data Controls
-Grid View Control
-Details View Controls
-DataList Control
-Input Validations
-Master Pages
-State Management
-Client – side State Management
-Query Strings
-Server Side State Management
-Session State
-Use Of Java Script
-Pop Ups
-Ajax Server Controls
-Script Manager
-Update Panel
-Ajax Toolkit Controls
-Basic Data Types
-Control Statement 0 Looping
-Arrays and Array List
-Net Architecture
-Net Disconnected Classes
-Bata Table Object
-DataSet Object
-Connection Classes
-Using the Executeonquery Method
-Using the DbDataReader Object
-Using DbDataadapter Object
-Literal Control
-Image Map Control
-Multi View and View Controls
-Wizard Control
-Repeator Control
-List View Control
-Hierarchical Data-Bound Controls
-Tree View Control
-Menu Control
-Navigation Controls
-Choosing Methods to Navigate Pages
-Client Side Navigation
-Client Side Browser Redirect
-Sitemap Server Control
-Troubleshooting and Debugging Page and Application Exception Handling
-Configuring asp.net for debugging
-Defining Custom Errors
-Configuring Error specific error pages
-Globalization and accessibility
-State Management
-View State
-Hidden Fields
-Storing Multiple values in Cookies
-asax file
-Responding to session events
-Profile Page
-Chart Control
-Values Types
-Declaring value type object
-User Defined Data Types
-Reference Types
-Conversion between Types
-Boxing and Unboxing
-String Manipulation
-Virtual Methods
-Exceptional Handling
-Reading and Writing Binary Data
-Random Access File +
-Connection String
-Using the Executescaler Method
-Using the Executereader Method
-Using the DbDataReader Object
-Using the DbDataadapter Object
-Flavour of LINQ
-Linq Keywords
-Using Linq to Dataset to Query Object
-Linq to Object
-Linq to ADO.Net
-Linq to XML
-Linq to Entity
-Linq to SQL
-Query Extender
-Web Services
-Basic Structure
-Modules and Handlers
-Creating Web service
-Implimanting a Webservice in an Application
-Consume Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
-Configuration File
-Net Data Access
-XML Basic
-XML Attributes
-XML Namespaces
-XML and JSON Parsing
-Google Map Integeration
-Entity Framework
-Project Basics
-Project Scope
-Database Dictionary
-Flow Chart
-High Level Reqruiments
-Implementing Web Services
-Crystal Reports
Individual Classes
- We will finish this course in 2 Months.
- Average Class Duration is 1:30 hours.
- We have both Theory and Practical Classes each day.
- Systems will be provided to you with Proper net connection.
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